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Online sampling system

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Online sampling system

The online sampling system is composed of sampling pipe (PTFE), sampling protection pipe (optional glass lining, stainless steel, non-ferrous metal, etc.), sampling pump, sampling device (including sampling

bottle) and sampling pipeline, which can realize online sampling without shutdown and online analysis (chemical analyzer needs to be installed). Supporting documents conforming to FDA can be provided.

1. Representativeness: the materials taken out by the sampling system of the reaction tank must be consistent with the real-time materials in the reaction tank.
2. No dead zone: the sampling system is usually a part of the reaction tank. Due to the requirements of hygiene, no cleaning residue can be left.
3. Zero discharge: the sampling system of the reaction tank shall not take out any extra materials from the reaction tank except the samples taken out for testing.
4. Easy to clean: in order that the sampling system will not leave this material in the next sampling, the sampling system must be cleaned or purged after sampling.
5. Multi function: the number of nozzles of the reaction tank is usually not too many. After one nozzle is used by the sampling system, it can be used for as many functions as possible (temperature, pH and chemical analysis).

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